As a Society, OEA NS is able to assist you and your business with a broad range of programs and services from Workers’ Compensation, Occupational Health and Safety, Human Resources management issues to employment matters.
In 2017, we changed the way we deliver our programs and services and now offer a host of Fee Services while continuing to offer Program services free under the funding from WCB NS.
Program Services (Free Services to Employers in the Province):
- Issues related to Workers' Compensation - including WCB claims assistance, registration, assessments, claim appeals, service issues, preparation of letters, documentation or other correspondence, preparation of submissions and case management, and other issues that fall under the Nova Scotia WCB Act
- Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) - including safety officer orders, compliance orders, policy issues, codes of practicem order deviations requests, discriminatory action complains, work refusals under the OHS Act and other issues that fall under the OHS Act
- And Interrelated issues that may involve workplace practices, human resources and employment matters
Fee Services (Fee-for-Service to Employers in the Province):
- Issues that only fall under employment and Human Resources management - including offers of employment, coaching/discipline, policy development and review, terminations, settlement proposals, labour standards complaints, human rights complaints, labour board appeal representation, review of documentation, personal/non-work-related illness or disability, human resources issues and/or policy issues and workplace practices (unrelated to workplace health and safety) and other issues that may arise.
- OEA NS Society can now provide your business with appeal representation for WCB/WCAT oral hearings on a fee-for-service basis. Legal representation for labour board appeals, small claims court, mediation representation as well as for arbitration hearings also fall under OEA NS Fee Services.
Contact us today for any issues you may be having or assistance needed. Unsure whether it falls under Program or Fee Services? Give us a call (902-442-9366) and we will be able to direct you through our intake process.
OEA NS offers specific Assistance with Policy Development
We can assist with policy review, drafting and implementation. This falls under our Fee Services. Don't have a Substance Use Policy in place yet, contact us today!