OEANS provides confidential support, advice and resources for Nova Scotia employers.

Our Employer Advisors can assist by engaging in conference calls, drafting correspondence, giving step-by-step instructions on what employers need to do to navigate WCB case management, Disability Case Management and Occupational Health and Safety.

Additionally we do advocacy work on key issues. Our Staff have attended symposiums such as the Occupational Health and Safety Proposed Amendments for the Department of Labour and Advanced Education. We have also attended WCB Policy development sessions such as the sessions for pre-existing conditions and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Throughout the year, we also host Employer Consultations on various topics which employers and employer asssociations are invited to attend. At these sessions, employers are given the opportunity to voice their opinions and concerns regarding upcoming changes to legislation and policy, in particular, OHS legislation and WCB Policy. As Employer advocates we submit reports to the relevant authority based on Employer feedback, ensuring the employers voice is heard on employment related issues. 

As a system partner with WSIS, our staff regularly attends AGM's of our fellow system partners as well as various other associations in Nova Scotia. We have also visited trade shows and other events ensuring the employer always has representation. 

© 2025 Employer Advisor Nova Scotia

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